You went to your first party this week! We attended Mommy's friend, Amy's, baby shower...well it was supposed to be a baby shower but baby Ava is already here! She is so tiny and Mommy can hardly remember you when you were that small too...oh the memories!
You are beginning to sit up by yourself. You can only sit still for a few seconds at a time before you start wobbling and throwing your arms around. If only you weren't so hyper you would sit up for a longer time!
You are also vocalizing much vocalize both pleasure and displeasure. It is so amazing to see your cognitive processes! You move around the living room by rolling, rolling and rolling. Mommy cannot leave you by yourself anymore because you get into trouble! You enjoy pulling yourself up into a sitting position and then into a standing position. Your legs and back are getting strong!
Till next week!
Love, Mom

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