Monday, March 2, 2009

1st Baby Wellness Check-Up

Dear Isabelle,

Your first checkup was with Dr. Jeffery Brown, the pediatrician who was assigned to you while you were at Cedars.

At birth, you weighed 5 lbs 14 ozs but you lost 6 ozs in 2 days during your hospital stay. By the time we left the hospital, you weighed about 5 lbs 8 ozs. When we went in for your check up, you gained 8 ozs! Not only did you gain weight, you exceeded your birth weight! Average babies lose weight after birth and only gain it back in 2 weeks but you gained yours back in a week! You've been eating and sleeping very well...I guess that contributes to your rapid growth!

Continue growing, Isabelle! Mommy calls you her little hungry monster!

Love, Mom

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