You are constantly stuck to Mommy...whether you are asleep or awake. When you fall asleep and Mommy tries to put you in your crib, you go into your crazy cry! How is Mommy going to start work on Monday? I barely even have the time to brush my teeth in the morning. Seems like you are also sleeping less these days...when Mommy rocks you to sleep, you always have 1 eye open, trying to catch me putting you in the crib.
Well, you finally learned how to take the pacifier today. YAY! No more using Mommy as a human pacifier. You really like the pacifier from Soothie! Next, you need to learn to drink from the bottle. You also graduated from newborn size diapers to size 1 diapers. I can't believe how fast you are growing! We definitely need to weigh you soon.
奶奶 is arriving tonight. We can't wait because Mommy needs an extra set of helping hands!
Love, Mom
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