Where did the month go? You are already a month old! It seems like yesterday Daddy rushed Mommy to the hospital and Mommy held a tiny little newborn in her arms. Mommy feels like superwoman because you are gaining weight so well! You are about 7lbs 13ozs now...almost the same size as Zoë or maybe even heavier! A 2 whole pounds heavier than your birth weight. Seems like you are rapidly gaining weight and Mommy is rapidly losing it, Mommy is back to her pre-preggo weight already! You also have grown so much in personality. You are getting louder and more demanding everyday! When you don't get your way, you let out your crazy cry that everyone is scared of! A little miss diva is definitely emerging. Well, Mommy already knew it, and I love you just as you are!
You also seem to be attached to Mommy more and more. It seems like only Mommy can calm you down from your crazy cries. You love to nuzzle into Mommy's neck and it's soooo cute! We cuddle in bed every morning after Daddy goes to work. That's our bonding time, in addition to the feeding sessions we have!
We had an early mini-celebration for you at Mario Batali's pizzaria, Mozza, on Sunday, March 22. Ah-Ma and Ah-Kong celebrated with us. We were having dinner right beside CSI: Miami star, David Caruso! He chatted with Daddy about you and found you absolutely adorable!
It's bittersweet that you are growing up so fast but Mommy also cannot wait till we can interact more. Happy 1 month birthday, Isabelle and I can't wait to celebrate lots more months and years with you and enjoy all your big and little milestones!
Love, Mom
Happy Birthday Belle!!!! Time does fly! Can't wait to finally meet you when you come visit!
Happy 1 month birthday Belle! You are growing nice and big! Can't wait to meet you when you come back too!
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