Friday, March 20, 2009

Lunch @ the Beverly Hills Hotel

Dear Isabelle,

Today is your first visit to Daddy's workplace! We went to the Beverly Hills Hotel for lunch with Ah-Ma and Ah-Kong. Everyone at Daddy's work were soooo exicted to see you! At the hotel, we were eating lunch beside Jessica Alba and across from Tim Allen. You probably won't even know who they are when you grow up. Although we were eating with celebrities, YOU were the biggest "celebrity" there! All the ladies in the Food & Beverage department were carrying you and even some of the guests were awed by your presence!

You wore your pink Beverly Hills Hotel sweatsuit to lunch today and so you are an automatic "Pink" card member! As usual, Daddy cooked us a fabulous meal consisting of lobster, foie gras, caviar and wagu beef! We had a great lunch at the hotel!

Love, Mom

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