Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy 1 week birthday, Isabelle!

Isabelle, you are 1 week old today!

You have grown sooo much! You've been doing a lot of stretching lately. Also you make a lot of funny faces and break out in a smile ever so often. Your eyes are open more now and you always turn your head to Mommy or Daddy's direction when you hear our voices.

Daddy is smitten with you. He's even said that he wishes he could stay at home with us all day, every day! That's the first time Mommy ever heard him say something like that...even on the days when he's super sick, he always manages to go into work...you have him twirled around your little finger! We are enjoying every single moment with you.

Love, Mom

P/S: You know what you gave Daddy for your 1 week old present?? We didn't know that little girls could spray pee and poop...but you showed your Daddy! He was shocked!

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