Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ah-Ma & Ah-Kong has gone home...

Dear Isabelle,

Your Ah-Ma and Ah-Kong has gone home. They have been a great help...especially your Ah-Ma. She made sure that Mommy was always fed and the house was always in order. She took great care of you too...always soothing you when you start crying. Ah-Kong sang you to sleep many times and you loved it.

They are both going to miss you so much when they go home and we are going to miss them a lot too! But don't worry, we will visit them often. As a matter of fact, our first trip back with you has already been planned! We will go back to Vancouver in May. We can't wait!

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Peggy said...

When in May when in May?

Can't wait for Kaiden and Belle to have their first play date together!