Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy 18 week birthday!

Dear Isabelle,

4 month IS the magic number! You are a totally different baby from a week ago. We can see your cognitive processes developing right before our very eyes! The other day, when you were on your tummy, you were fussing because I guess you didn't want to be there. Then you had an "ah ha" moment where you remembered you knew how to roll over. You did just that and then had a HUGE gummy grin on your face! How funny.

Your sleeping patterns are changing as well. We can now officially say you are able to consistently fall asleep in your crib by yourself. No rocking, no nursing, no nada! Sleep training is going well and we are rapidly seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We hope you'll start sleeping through the night very soon! Mommy realized that I was being your sleep crutch and have given you more independence to learn to self-soothe.

You also found your screaming voice the other day. I don't mean that you never used to scream. You did but it's because you were uncomfortable, fussing or crying. This screaming voice, however, is one that entertains you! You would scream for no reason and then smile. You are starting to have more control over your vocals! Daddy was very tickled by your new talent.

No longer are you the clingy baby you once used to be. You enjoy playing by yourself these days. Or just lounging on the ground, babbling and looking out the balcony doors. You are so much more aware of your environment and I can see that you are taking every single bit of it in. You are like a sponge!

Oh Isabelle, when people used to tell Mommy "they grow up so fast", I didn't believe it but now I see what they mean. Your personality is developing and you are changing every single day. Now I just want Father Time to stop the clock because this is the cutest time yet!

Love, Mom

Just chillin'

Sleep Training: Day 3

Hi Isabelle,

You are learning sooo fast! Day 3 went so much better than Day 2. We put you to bed at 7:15 p.m. and you zonked out pretty fast. I think the earlier bedtime (before 8 p.m.) works great because you are not over-tired and cranky and so it's easier to drift off into dreamland.

The first nightwaking came at 10:20 p.m. Mommy was going to dreamfeed you at 10:30 p.m. but we were afraid to because we didn't want you to associate the feeding with the waking. But luckily you settled yourself pretty fast. Once you stopped fussing, Mommy quickly fed you and you fell back into your slumber.

That night after Mommy and Daddy went to bed, you woke up another 3 more times but all 3 nightwakings lasted for less than 5 mins. You fussed a little and then back to dreamland! Mommy woke up at 5:15 a.m. to nurse you because we knew you were starving by then. When I went to pick you up in the crib, your eyes were already open. You were being a good girl and not making a peep! We fed you and put you back in your crib and you didn't wake up till 8 a.m.!

Your naps are changing too. For the first time in your 4 months of life, you took a 2.5 hour nap! You have also started napping in your carseat that you once hated with a passion. Mommy might even try to venture out more now!

Finally falling asleep by yourself in the carseat

One lesson that Mommy has learned is that we were being overly protective before. Mommy needs to loosen up a bit and let you take things in and learn for yourself. We don't want to stifle your personal growth!

Love, Mom

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sleep Training: Day 2

Hi Isabelle,

You went to bed last night at 8:30 p.m. because we went over to Godpa Dan's place for dinner. We came home, Mommy and Daddy went through our bedtime routine and you were zonked out immediately upon hitting the crib! You can go to sleep by yourself now!

There was no nightwakings from 8:30 p.m. to 2 a.m and Mommy dreamfed you at 10:30 p.m. But at 2 a.m., you woke up and didn't go back to sleep until about 4:30 a.m. What a tiring night for both Mommy and Daddy. Especially Daddy as he has to work today! You didn't cry the whole time, you were babbling and since you found your voice today, you were also yelling intermittently. And after you fell asleep at 4:30 a.m., you woke up at 5:30 a.m. once again. I think it's because you were super thirsty after yelling for 2.5 hours so Mommy fed you and you fell back asleep again. You did not sleep deeply and would wake once in a while from 6:30 a.m. to 8 a.m.

Mommy got you up at 8 a.m. We did a few chores and you started getting tired at 9:15 a.m. We put you in the crib for a nap, you fell right asleep and having been sleeping for the last hour! Usually your naps last for 30 mins...but I guess you are super tired from being up all night.

I hope tonight will be a better night! We can already see some changes.

Love, Mom

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sleep Training: Day 1

Hi Isabelle,

So since Dr. Scott said that you were physically and mentally ready for some sleep training, Mommy and Daddy decided that we should start now because July will be a very busy month for all of us! Godma Danielle, Uncle Justin, your 奶奶 and 爷爷 are all coming to visit us!

At 7:30 p.m., we did our bedtime routine of changing into a new diaper, pajamas, nursing, storytime and a prayer. Then we put you in your crib awake but drowsy and you fell asleep quite fast! Daddy was VERY surprised!

The first time you woke up, it took you about 40 mins to put yourself back to sleep. Mommy and Daddy alternated going into the room to comfort you. You have a very different sleepy cry nowadays, it is no longer the crazy cry...more of the whiny "I am tired, I need help going to sleep" cry. So much more tolerable than the crazy cry!

After that one nightwaking at around 9 p.m., Mommy dreamfed you at 10:30 p.m. and went to bed. Your other 2 nightwakings were during the usual time Mommy would nurse you, around 1:30 a.m. and 4 a.m. You fussed for less than 5 mins during these nightwakings...after fussing, you fell right back to sleep! Mommy nursed you at 5:45 a.m. and you slept all the way to 8 a.m!

All in all, I think Day 1 of sleep training went quite well. Last night wasn't too rough on you, although Mommy shed a few tears for you because we were so used to rescuing you on the slightest whimper. Daddy had to hold Mommy back a couple of times. Let's hope tonight will be a progression of last night's sleep training session!

Love, Mom

Saturday, June 27, 2009

First Nap in the Crib

Hi Isabelle,

Maybe it's not a fluke after all! You are taking your first ever nap in your crib. Usually your afternoon naps have been in Mommy's arms, on the couch or in the family bed. But today, Mommy decided to try putting you in the crib for a nap.

After 25 mins of grumbling and protesting, Mommy put the pacifier in your mouth and you fell asleep in 5 mins. I should have done that earlier!

I am so proud of you, Isabelle! Maybe, like the doctor prescribed, you ARE ready for some gentle sleep training. After learning how to fall asleep in your crib consistently, we have to work to prolong your naps and stop your night wakings.

Love, Mom

Mommy just HAD to document this monumental moment with a photo!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Another Fluke??

Dear Isabelle,

Mommy is sitting here beaming away because you fell asleep by YOURSELF again! We don't know if it's a fluke or is this the beginning of better sleep habits. The last time you did this was when we were in Vancouver. You just zonked out on the couch by yourself.

This time, Mommy laid with you in bed, you were talking to yourself and playing with your fingers. Then Mommy looked over at you and you were getting drowsy and your eyes were getting heavy. Before we know it, your limbs were limp and your breathing became more rhythmic. That meant that you fell into deep sleep! YAY! Now it's time for Mommy to have her lunch before you wake up and play again!

So happy you did it on your own...and without any crying!

Love, Mom

Thursday, June 25, 2009

4 month Baby Wellness Exam and Vaccinations

Hi Isabelle,

We went in to see Dr. Scott for your 4 month baby wellness exam and vaccinations today. You weigh 12 lbs 7 ozs (27%), your height is 25.5 inches (92%) and your head circumference is 16 inches (48%). Dr. Scott said that you are on the skinny side but he's not surprised because Mommy is also skinny. Mommy thinks you have the same high metabolism that I have. You are growing so tall! No wonder Mommy was wondering how come you fit in your 6 month old onesies length-wise. We need to find a brand of onesies that are made on the longer-side since you are growing so long! Daddy hopes you will grow up to be at least 5'9".

You got your second set of shots...yikes. Again, it was 3 owies and 1 oral vaccine. Mommy couldn't bear to watch but you were a brave girl. You took the oral vaccine like a champ, even chatting with the nurse while swallowing. How many times does Mommy have to tell you not to talk with your mouth full?? You do it when nursing too. Then when she gave you your shots, you howled but only for about 2 mins. Daddy picked you up and you were comforted.

No fever again this time around but you were super fussy. You didn't want to take ANY naps by yourself and so Mommy had to put you in the sling again. You were so tired by the end of the day, you fell asleep at 8 p.m. instead of your normal 9 p.m. bedtime.

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

Love, Mom

Owies on Isabelle's thigh

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Debut: The Adventures of Izzy & Zoë!

The beginnings of a wonderful friendship!

I can't wait to see what else is in store...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy 17 week birthday!

Dear Isabelle,

17 weeks have come and gone and Mommy can truly say that I am REALLY starting to enjoy you more and more each day! Your newborn stage was a pretty tough time for Mommy...but now the fruit of our labor is starting to blossom.

Your laugh is infectious! I love it when you squeal in delight! You have also definitely found the use of those two appendages that were once used to smack yourself uncontrollably with. They are called "hands"! You have more control, are grasping onto things much longer and again, enjoy putting things into your mouth! You also really love to do the "Gongxi Gongxi" pose. Are you practicing for Chinese New Year?

Yummy spoons...Daddy, I think I am ready to feed myself!

Gongxi Gongxi!

Your new favorite person is Zoë! And because of trying to look for her, you have rolled over a few times from tummy to back. It's usually when Zoë is running circles around you when we are doing some tummy time! She is one silly monkey, isn't she? You are not afraid when she barks or jumps up to kiss you...you even like it. You burst out into chuckles every time she does. My two babies are finally getting along!

As for Mommy, not only am I dropping weight like crazy (7 lbs lighter than pre-preggo), my hair is also falling out...yikes! Hopefully we don't go bald anytime soon...and you're not helping by grabbing a handful each time I carry you either!

Towards the end of this week, we will be going in to see Dr. Scott for your 4-month wellness checkup. Mommy is half looking forward to it and half not. I want to know what your weight and height progress is but it's another day for shots...yikes. Daddy will be there to hold you, don't you worry.

Love, Mom

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Dearest Isabelle,

I remember it was just yesterday when Daddy held you for the first time, trying to calm you down with my voice. You are growing into a beautiful flawless little angel, Daddy is so proud. Everything about raising a baby girl is very new to daddy, trying to be the best father I can be. I do receive mixed messages from all of our friends, whether you look like your old man or your beautiful Mommy. I really hope you look like your mom, a girly version of Daddy is not good. I do apologize for not being able to tuck you into your bed every night, but I will make it a routine to give you a kiss every night. I will always be there for you, you can always count on me. I hope I can inspire you one day through my work, you can fully understand why daddy loves cooking. I do not update the blog often as Daddy works a lot, I will put in more effort. You are the best gift a father can ever receive, thank you for making this day special. I will always love you.

Your Dada

Daddy Peanut & Baby Peanut...do we look alike?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Funny ABC's

Dear Isabelle,

I am glad you find Mommy's singing voice so funny...

Love, Mom

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bittersweet Day

Today is a bittersweet day for Mommy. Mommy is officially a stay-at-home mom. Bitter because Mommy really enjoys her work but sweet because this is a rare opportunity that many moms wish they could have.

We went into Mommy's workplace today to let our boss know our decision and say goodbye to our colleagues. Mommy has decided that we cannot trust anyone else to take care of you and so it's just you and I, babe...Mommy will never ever leave your side! I also don't want to miss any of your milestones and your every "firsts".

You are only this age once and I count my blessings to have this opportunity to watch you grow. I look forward to all our days together, Isabelle!

Love, Mom

Happy Birthday Zoë!!

Zoë turns 7 today, Isabelle! In dog years, that's about 49 years old...she's older than all of us! Zoë is one of the best dogs we ever had. Mommy used to have another dog, she was a silky terrier and her name was Duchess. Duchess was a smart dog too...but Duchess was more of a sibling. Zoë is Mommy's fur-baby just like you are the human-baby!

We hope that you and Zoë will grow up to be good friends. We can already tell that Zoë is starting to be quite fond of you. She brings you her soccer ball once in a while and is always kissing you now! You are also getting more and more aware of your Zoë. You smile when she darts around the room like a crazy woman. You love it because now you see her, then you don't, then you see her again! It's like magic!

Mommy can't wait till both you and Zoë start interacting more. I am sure that there will be opportunities to record many funny videos...the adventures of Izzy & Zoë!

Love, Mom

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy 16 week birthday!

Hi Izzy!

You are a curious little monkey. Everything seems to fascinate you. You love walks outside because you are able to see all the different sights and hear the different sounds. You also get a kick out of looking at yourself and at Mommy in the mirror!

You chuckle so much more and way louder now. Even Mommy feels like a true comedian because you laugh at me all the time! I love it when you do...it's music to my ears!

You have picked up quite a few new hobbies as well this past week. You love to "stand". You always do it in my lap when I am trying to put you down to sit. Your legs are so strong!

Your other hobby is putting your blanket in your mouth. It's a great help to Mommy that you are trying to wipe up all that extra drool you are making nowadays!

You are a chatterbox as well. Your sentences are sometimes 1 minute long! You love telling Mommy stories or you are just complaining. Your facial expressions are so funny...your eyebrows are the best!

You seem to not like your pacifier or the bottle anymore. Why?? Mommy has to always nurse you to sleep now. Daddy used to be able to put you to sleep but he hasn't been able to lately. All you want is me. That's ok, Mommy knows it's a comfort measure and even though Mommy is exhausted, I will always be here to comfort you and make you feel safe.

Love, Mom

Monday, June 15, 2009

My Love

A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.
– Agatha Christie

Today I realized that you make me stronger than I thought I could ever be.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ni Hao, Kai-Lan

Dear Isabelle,

Seems like you really enjoy watching the cartoon, Ni Hao, Kai-Lan. You were glued to the TV all day while you were sick. Don't think that this is going to be a habit because it's not! Mommy only let you because it seemed to make you feel better and entertain you.

Hope you at least learn some Mandarin this way so you can speak to your 爺爺 and 奶奶!

Love, Mom

Isabelle please...

...stop kicking, smacking, scratching and pinching Mommy! You are such a violent sleeper. Pulling hair is also not very nice. And one last thing, biting Mommy while nursing is going to lead you to the bottle route in record time. So stop your nonsense!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Here We Go Again...

Oh gosh, are you going through another growth spurt, Isabelle? Or are you just extra clingy because you are sick? Whatever it is, you are nursing around the clock like CRAZY! These past couple of days, you nurse every 1.5 hours during the day and every 2 hours at night. Mommy is DESTROYED! Well, at least you are sleeping soundly on the family bed right now at 9:30 a.m., while Mommy is doing some work! Oh yes, we are back in the family bed because Mommy cannot keep on picking you up from the crib and putting you back every 2 hours. When you start squirming, Mommy just rolls over and nurse you...which works out quite well because sometimes Mommy rolls over on you and quiet you up!! Just kidding, baby!

We went for your hip ultrasound yesterday. You were being nice and quiet when the tech did your first hip but quickly got bored when he turned you over to do the second hip. That was when you started with your soft protesting cry. And when he didn't hurry up and finish, you busted out in your crazy cry. Everyone at the imaging center could hear you. When we walked out of our examination room, all the nurses and office staff were surprised to see that all that ruckus was made by someone so small.

We got the results back from Dr. Scott this afternoon and they are normal! Dr. Scott and his office personnel are so reliable and professional. We can't wait to see him again at the end of the month for your 4-month wellness check-up. We will weigh you then because you don't fit on our postal scale anymore!

Love, Mom

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy 15 week birthday!

Happy 15 week birthday! Did I hear you say your first word??? Seems like maybe your first word might be "Bye!" I think you had enough of paparazzi Mommy and her camera...and told me "bye" so I could shut it off.

At around 1:38 mins...Isabelle says "BYE!" right before Mommy said "bye".

You have expensive taste and I feel sorry for your Daddy! You have always liked Mommy's Tiffany & Co. Atlas necklace and play with it whenever you nurse...but it seems nowadays, you just hold on to it for dear life, even when sleeping! Daddy will get you your own when you are older!

You are still coughing like an old man...Mommy hopes you get better soon!

Love, Mom

Monday, June 8, 2009

Poor Little Sick Baby

Dear Isabelle,

Today is your first sick visit to the doctor. My poor baby, you came down with a minor cold. Last night you didn't sleep well at all. You have a slight cough and a congested nasal passage.

We went to see your new pediatrician today. He is Dr. Scott Cohen, from Beverly Hills Pediatrics. You were so good at your appointment despite being sick. You were all smiles when you saw him and Dr. Scott was so gentle with you. He was very thorough with your examination, we like him alot! He recommended that you sleep on an incline and we use a vaporizer in our room.

After finding out that you were breech when born, Dr. Scott recommended we go for a hip ultrasound to check your hips for any sign of hip dysplasia. Apparently there is a very small probability for breech baby girls to have it so we want to make sure your hips are fine. He manually checked your hips and said they felt normal. We are glad that we switched pediatricians and are able to make this ultrasound before you turn 4 months. We will be scheduling that appointment soon.

I hope you feel better soon, baby!

Love, Mom

Sunday, June 7, 2009

First Week Home

Dear Isabelle,

Our first week home by ourselves have been busy trying to get back into some sort of schedule. We were in a little routine before we left for Vancouver, but once we got there, the schedule went out of the door. Partly because we were on vacation and also because you went through a growth spurt which threw your whole sleeping times out of whack.

So now we are home, we have been doing almost the same routine everyday. You are usually out for the night by 9 p.m. and wake between 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. You feed every 3 hours and have naps at around 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Mommy also has to find lots of things to entertain you with because you have more awake/alert time nowadays. We sing together, read books, take Zoë out for walks, have massages, tummy time and baths! You are always smiling now...and it melts Mommy's heart whenever I catch you looking around the room for me and when you find me, you break out in a wide, open-mouthed smile!

Love, Mom

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Happy 14 week birthday!

Dear Isabelle,

14 weeks has passed since you entered this world and boy, what a difference time has made!

You've learned a few things while in Vancouver. You recognize people more and always want to be carried by familiar people. Your hand-eye coordination is getting better and better and once in a while, you will grab things that are given to you and start putting them into your mouth. You are also starting to imitate people more now. You have started to move your fingers when waved to, and Uncle Justin has thought you how to head-bop!

Your baby babble has developed tremendously and you express yourself so much more differently than a few weeks ago. You have added a couple of new "cries" in your repertoire! You now have the demanding cry accompanied by your body arch and tense limbs—this cry really scares Ah Kong! And the other addition is the quiet cry, you produce this cry as a precedent to the demanding cry when making your demands.

You seem to be quite interested in what Mommy and Daddy are eating during our meals. You stare intently at our food and drool a lot more. Sometimes you even smack your lips! Ah Kong gave you a cookie the other day, you immediately brought it close to your mouth and gave it a lick! If Mommy didn't take it away from you, you would have probably munched it down!

Oh yah, and Mommy has taught you how to read on your own...hahaha
And oh, we are Hollywood famous!

We love seeing you develop...every week, you always come up with something new!

Love, Mom

Monday, June 1, 2009

Back to Life, Back to Reality...

Dear Isabelle,

We are leaving Vancouver and going back home. It was a great trip, although we stayed 3 weeks, it seemed too short! We are going to miss Ah Ma, Ah Kong and Godma. They have been a great help to Mommy. You enjoyed the daily conversations you had with Ah Ma, the songs sung by Ah Kong, all the crazy fun you had and even being put to sleep by Godma! They have seen you develop so much in the past 3 weeks. The next time they see you, you will be all different again!

Now we are going back to just you and I, kiddo! In a month, Godma and Uncle Justin are coming to visit us!

Love, Mom