Saturday, June 27, 2009

First Nap in the Crib

Hi Isabelle,

Maybe it's not a fluke after all! You are taking your first ever nap in your crib. Usually your afternoon naps have been in Mommy's arms, on the couch or in the family bed. But today, Mommy decided to try putting you in the crib for a nap.

After 25 mins of grumbling and protesting, Mommy put the pacifier in your mouth and you fell asleep in 5 mins. I should have done that earlier!

I am so proud of you, Isabelle! Maybe, like the doctor prescribed, you ARE ready for some gentle sleep training. After learning how to fall asleep in your crib consistently, we have to work to prolong your naps and stop your night wakings.

Love, Mom

Mommy just HAD to document this monumental moment with a photo!

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