Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sleep Training: Day 1

Hi Isabelle,

So since Dr. Scott said that you were physically and mentally ready for some sleep training, Mommy and Daddy decided that we should start now because July will be a very busy month for all of us! Godma Danielle, Uncle Justin, your 奶奶 and 爷爷 are all coming to visit us!

At 7:30 p.m., we did our bedtime routine of changing into a new diaper, pajamas, nursing, storytime and a prayer. Then we put you in your crib awake but drowsy and you fell asleep quite fast! Daddy was VERY surprised!

The first time you woke up, it took you about 40 mins to put yourself back to sleep. Mommy and Daddy alternated going into the room to comfort you. You have a very different sleepy cry nowadays, it is no longer the crazy cry...more of the whiny "I am tired, I need help going to sleep" cry. So much more tolerable than the crazy cry!

After that one nightwaking at around 9 p.m., Mommy dreamfed you at 10:30 p.m. and went to bed. Your other 2 nightwakings were during the usual time Mommy would nurse you, around 1:30 a.m. and 4 a.m. You fussed for less than 5 mins during these nightwakings...after fussing, you fell right back to sleep! Mommy nursed you at 5:45 a.m. and you slept all the way to 8 a.m!

All in all, I think Day 1 of sleep training went quite well. Last night wasn't too rough on you, although Mommy shed a few tears for you because we were so used to rescuing you on the slightest whimper. Daddy had to hold Mommy back a couple of times. Let's hope tonight will be a progression of last night's sleep training session!

Love, Mom

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