Friday, June 26, 2009

Another Fluke??

Dear Isabelle,

Mommy is sitting here beaming away because you fell asleep by YOURSELF again! We don't know if it's a fluke or is this the beginning of better sleep habits. The last time you did this was when we were in Vancouver. You just zonked out on the couch by yourself.

This time, Mommy laid with you in bed, you were talking to yourself and playing with your fingers. Then Mommy looked over at you and you were getting drowsy and your eyes were getting heavy. Before we know it, your limbs were limp and your breathing became more rhythmic. That meant that you fell into deep sleep! YAY! Now it's time for Mommy to have her lunch before you wake up and play again!

So happy you did it on your own...and without any crying!

Love, Mom

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