You are a curious little monkey. Everything seems to fascinate you. You love walks outside because you are able to see all the different sights and hear the different sounds. You also get a kick out of looking at yourself and at Mommy in the mirror!
You chuckle so much more and way louder now. Even Mommy feels like a true comedian because you laugh at me all the time! I love it when you's music to my ears!
You have picked up quite a few new hobbies as well this past week. You love to "stand". You always do it in my lap when I am trying to put you down to sit. Your legs are so strong!
Your other hobby is putting your blanket in your mouth. It's a great help to Mommy that you are trying to wipe up all that extra drool you are making nowadays!
You are a chatterbox as well. Your sentences are sometimes 1 minute long! You love telling Mommy stories or you are just complaining. Your facial expressions are so funny...your eyebrows are the best!
You seem to not like your pacifier or the bottle anymore. Why?? Mommy has to always nurse you to sleep now. Daddy used to be able to put you to sleep but he hasn't been able to lately. All you want is me. That's ok, Mommy knows it's a comfort measure and even though Mommy is exhausted, I will always be here to comfort you and make you feel safe.
Love, Mom

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