Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The CD changer is NOT a slot machine!


Seriously now, why do you like to destroy stuff?! We were in the car and you were playing in the drivers seat when you found a quarter and slid it into the CD changer slot. Both Mommy and Daddy saw it just hovering there and gingerly tried to get it out...but once we had our fingers on the slot, we both saw the coin fall into the CD changer. URGHHHHH!!! And now it's broken.

Daddy had to take it back to the dealership to get it removed...and guess how many coins they found in there?! FIVE! This means that you've done it before! It cost us $150 to remove the coins and this $150 goes on your tab! Don't forget you once threw Mommy's brand new iPhone into the pool too...

Naughty, naughty girl.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry 2nd Christmas, Izzy!

It's a quiet Christmas this year because we are celebrating in LA with Daddy. Last year, we celebrated with Ah Ma, Ah Kong and Godma. But Mommy thinks that we should do alternate years so Daddy gets a chance to spend Christmas with you too.

We had a great Christmas morning where we all sat by the Christmas tree and opened presents. Then we went off to Christmas morning mass.

Merry Christmas, were a good girl this year!

Love, Mom

Santa came and dropped off the presents the night before Christmas...

Christmas party at school

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy 22 months birthday!

Dear Izzy,

22 months have gone by just like that! Your vocabulary is definitely growing by the day and your comprehension is even better. You understand every SINGLE word Mommy and Daddy says so we really have to be careful about what we say around you.

You also enjoy repeating words, even if you can pronounce it properly, you'll repeat it with a similar inflection. You like to tell me about the parts of your body and you also sing a whole lot...a lot of your songs are very much in tune, I must add! Mommy's very proud of you.

Love, Mom

My 2 babies...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Shinanigans and Activities

Dear Izzy,

The Christmas season is upon us! One of my favorite holidays...even more so now because I, as the matriarch, get to make new traditions for our little family. This year we are staying in LA since we went to Vancouver for Christmas last year. I think it's only fair that Daddy gets to spend Christmas with you every other year even though he's usually super busy.

Anyway, we started December putting up our tree. Well, Mommy and Daddy did because you are still too young to help out. But you really loved it when you saw the tree in the morning! We also had a mini family photoshoot. Mommy loves to do photoshoot once in a while because you grow up so fast and I want to capture you at all your stages in your life.

We also did a Christmas brunch with Auntie Janet and Uncle Jeff. There was so much food to eat but you only wanted to eat cupcakes! You really do have a sweet tooth. Mommy had a great idea on what to get Daddy for Christmas so we went to Color Me Mine and painted a HUGE coffee mug for Daddy. You painted it all by yourself and was so proud of your artwork! I think it came out very well.

There was a Christmas parade on the Venice canals and we went there as a family to watch it. What a great day! There were also a couple of Christmas playdates which we attended: Gingerbread house playdate and Christmas caroling day at the adult day care center. You had a blast at both of them!

Wow, it was a busy December and December is not even over yet. Christmas is only a few days away!

Love, Mom

Chen family Christmas tree

Mini photoshoot

Christmas brunch at the Four Seasons Hotel

Painting at Color Me Mine

Watching the Christmas parade on the Venice canals

Christmas parade

Building your gingerbread house

Monday, December 13, 2010

Musician in the making

I love that you are so musically inclined...

Love, Mom

Friday, December 10, 2010

21.5 month

Izzy, Izzy, Izzy...

You have started to make a lot of excuses to stall for time, especially before bedtime! You ask for milk, cheerios, your cat, this and that. WOW, Mommy and Daddy have to learn to stop giving into your demands and just put our foot down! Soooo sneaky...

You also know and have started calling people and your friends by their name. It's really cute to see you call your friends by their name and vice versa. You're totally a little person now!

Love, Mom

Monday, December 6, 2010

21 month Baby Wellness Checkup

We went in for your 21 month Baby Wellness Checkup at Dr. Scott's office today. Your stats are:
  • 21.8 lbs 6%tile
  • 33 inches in height 55%tile
  • 47.5 cm head circumference 62 %tile
Dr. Scott is happy with your weight gain but he also did say that he doesn't see you being on the heavy side. You definitely have a high metabolism! You did very well at your appointment today. You got 2 shots - your 2nd flu shot and the hepatitis A. You cried but only for a little while. I know, it doesn't get easier but it's for your own good!

The next time we see Dr. Scott will be when you turn 2!

Love, Mom

Reading a book while waiting for Dr. Scott

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ah Ma's birthday

Dear Izzy,

It's Ah Mas's birthday today! So what do you do? You made her a card and choose a present from the store for her. How cute! We hope Ah Ma has a great birthday and we'll see her very soon!

Happy Birthday, Ah Ma!

Love, Mom

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our last Thanksgiving...

I am thankful for...
  • sleep deprivation - that means my baby has lungs of steel
  • the mess to clean after - that means my baby is curious and gets into everything
  • being by ourselves on holidays - that means that my husband has a job and supporting us and our lifestyle
  • a thousand and one phone calls - that means that even though we are by ourselves on holidays, we have friends and family who still think of us on these days
I am thankful for my wonderful family who have made my life whole! I love you all!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy 21 month birthday!

Dear Izzy,

21! So what's new this month? This isn't really new since you've been doing it for a while but Mommy thinks that you are a real singer! You love to sing and make up funny songs every day.

You also have a memory like an elephant. You remember events and people very well. You remember 姑 and 奶奶 even after they left. Another few more months and you'll be turning 2! Mommy has to start thinking about your birthday party!

Love, Mom
Getting ready to visit Ah Ma, Ah Kong and Godma in Vancouver!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

School Photo Day

Oh my's school photo day today! Your very first! Mommy dressed you up in your cute denim dress and navy blue cardigan for your special day. You look soooo cute!

Love, Mom

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bittersweet Moments

Izzy, you did not cry when I dropped you off at school gave me a wave goodbye instead! YAY, what a milestone! You have finally gotten over your separation anxiety.

When I came to pick you up from school, I asked you...
Mommy: So Izzy, do you play with any friends at school?
Izzy: Dino, mmuak mmmuakk! *purses lips together and makes kissing sounds*

Oh my goodness...that's the funniest thing EVER! I went home and told Daddy and he was a little concerned. He has been teaching you to say "NO, Dino!" when he approaches you. Awww, Daddy wants to be the only man in your life. Hilarious.

Love, Mom

Friday, November 12, 2010

Busy Mommy

Dear Izzy,

Oh Mommy has been really really busy these days...I've picked up a couple of extra clients and will be kept really busy for now. So not only do I take care of you full time, I have 3 clients I freelance for...some days I wish there were more than 24 hours in a day!

But Mommy promises that I won't neglect you although sometimes you need to play by yourself a little more. Mommy might also increase the number of days you go to preschool. I hope I will be able to pull a super mommy till the end of the year!

Love, Mom

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

20.5 months

Hi Izzy!

Since you are now solidly napping only once a day and getting easier to take out by myself, Mommy decided to take you to the Long Beach aquarium for our first big Mommy and Me outing! You did soooo well and Mommy's so proud of you. We met up with one of Mommy's ex co-workers there who just had her little baby girl, Lauren. You were so nice and gentle with her...awww.

You are also definitely starting to put more and more words together. Although most times, Mommy still finds it difficult to decipher what you say, the other day, you pointed at Zoë who Mommy accidentally locked outside the patio and said "Eh Wee side!". You saved the day and Zoë from being locked outside. What a good little sister you are!


"Mommy, nemos!" she says

So gentle with baby Lauren

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween and Trick or Treatin' Festivities!

Trick or Treat!!!

Izzy, last year, you were just a teeny tiny pea. And this year, you're a busy bumble bee! Ahhh...time flies! You had yourself a blast this Halloween. You were old enough to enjoy yourself and even go trick or treatin'. It was the cutest sight.

You also dressed up for dance class and was the cutest little dancer bee that day.

Can't wait till next Halloween...Mommy has to think up another cute costume for you! Maybe we should do a family one again, that's if your Daddy decides to participate too!

Love, Mom

Our first Halloween together

At a Halloween party...getting ready for some trick or treatin'!

Trick or treat!

Cutest little dancer bee at dance class

Helping Daddy pick out a pumpkin

Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Bug from Preschool

Yucky Yucky...

Izzy got her first bug from school today. You are coughing non stop and have a slight temperature. Urgh...Mommy hates it when you get sick but I guess it is unavoidable since you are at school now. Let's hope you get over it soon so we can go trick-or-treating for Halloween!

Love, Mom

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy 20 months birthday!

Happy 20 months birthday Izzy!

You have learned to use the word "Bad Girl!" and the other day you called Mommy that when I told you that I had to go out and run some errands and you were to stay home. You are hilarious!

You are so very active and never "walk" anywhere. Always running to where you have to go! You are also super independent, wanting to do things yourself all the time. No longer a little baby!

Love, Mom

Mommy and Izzy doing a Halloween craft together.

Friday, October 22, 2010

NYC Trip without Izzy

Dear Izzy,

Mommy and Daddy left on our very first trip without you. Oh wow, I miss you sooooo much! But we heard from 姑 and 奶奶 that you've been such a good girl! You are more well-behaved than when Mommy and Daddy are home! Now, why is that??

We went to the coolest toy store in Manhattan called FAO Schwartz. One day, we'll take you there, you'll go crazy!

Oh you'll LOVE these puppies...

And check out the Hello Kitty section!

Anyway, Mommy missed you a lot when we were apart and can't wait to see you when we get home!

Love you baby!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Preschool days

Dear little Izzy,

You are having such a HARD time adjusting to preschool, much to Mommy's surprise! But I guess it's because you've been with me 24/7 for the last 18 months of your life. Some days are better than the others but you're always crying when Mommy drops you off. It breaks my heart but I know it's good for you. I hope school gets better for you soon and you'll start to enjoy it more.

Love, Mom

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Flu Shot

Dear Izzy,

We went in to the doctor's to get your flu shot today. Mommy got one at the same time as well. WOW! You did really well. Gu Gu was in the room with us and you didn't even notice it when the nurse gave you your shot. Good job, Izzy!

Love, Mom

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nai Nai and Gu Gu are here!

Dear Izzy,

Your Nai Nai and Gu Gu are here to see you all the way from Malaysia! You guys are going to have lots of fun together.

Love, Mom

Sunday, October 10, 2010

19.5 months

Dear Izzy,

Your do more imaginative play nowadays. Mommy thinks you have an imaginary friend! And we noticed that you really love to "help" out around the kitchen when Daddy is cooking or preparing something. I think you might have his culinary gene!

Your vocabulary is also exploding at an accelerating probably can say about 20-30 words but understand about 200 and Mommy and Daddy really have to be careful when speaking in front of you. You are stringing 2-3 words together but have full on conversations with your babbling.

You run everywhere and never seem to need to stop. Where do you get all this energy from? You are such a crazy little girl, but I LOVE it!

Love, Mom

Helping Daddy roll out mini croissants for breakfast

Daddy's little sous chef

Monday, October 4, 2010

First Day of Preschool!

Dear Izzy,

It's your first day of school today! Mommy's excited. I think you will like school just because you are such an outgoing little girl and you love hanging out with people your own size.

You did well on your first think it's just like a playdate with so many little friends and a great playground to play in. Daddy packed you a delicious lunch and you sat nicely with all your friends during lunch time.

This is going to be great! You'll go to school 2 half days a week and that gives Mommy about 6 extra hours of free time a week to work on her 3 jobs in addition of taking care of you full time! Oh wow, that's a mouthfull...I think I need 26 hour days!

Love, Mom

First day of school!

Lunch packed by Daddy

Lunch time!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Godma and Uncle Justin's visit

Dear Izzy,

You had an awesome time when Godma and Uncle Justin came for a visit. We went to sooo many places with, dinners, to the beach, Godma joined us at your dance class etc. It was a week of activities!

It was great having Godma and Uncle Justin visit. The next time you see them will be in January!

Love, Mom

Dinner at Lawry's prime rib house. As usual, you were being all cute and the waitress gave you free food and ice cream!

At the beach! Our last beach day of the summer...

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy 19 months birthday!

Dear Izzy,

You are getting better and better at stringing words together and you've been using the word "please" quite often much to Mommy's delight! What a polite little girl. You are happy and fun loving that I can't imagine a much "funner" age. I hate to see this one pass us by, but I know it is only a matter of time before this month has come and gone. The days of limited vocabulary are far and few between and your reasoning is growing by the minute.

You will run to Mommy when you get hurt and say "owie" and point to where you got hurt. Most times, you feel better after Mommy kisses your owie. Very frequently now when you want attention, you'll just tell me that you have an owie, even if you don't have one or it was the same owie an hour ago, just to get my attention and a kiss from Mommy. It's hilarious!

You also LOVE playing outside. Whenever you are in the house, you will go to where the patio is and say "yide", your short form for "outside" as you cannot really pronounce "s" yet. And you are so happy just coloring on the ground with your sidewalk chalk and riding on your car.

I cant get enough of your determined little self in trying to communicate with us. You are perfect in every way, and we couldn't be more blessed if we wanted to. 19 months-the best so far!

Love, Mom

Mommy & Izzy at the Zimmer Children's Museum

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Flower Girl

Dear Izzy,

Mommy's soooo proud of you today. You did such a good job being Auntie Janet and Uncle Jeff's flower girl. To tell you the truth, Mommy was very worried that you'll just be running around and screaming...but to my surprise, you are such a little ham! I could tell you loved the attention you got from everyone!

Sean, the flower boy, did an amazing job too! The both of you are definitely the cutest flower boy and flower girl in the whole wide world!

Love, Mom

Walking down the aisle

Izzy bustin' a move!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

18.5 months


It's funny what you pick up, the other day, you called Da Da "Honey" because you hear Mommy call him that all the time! You've also learned to scream out "MINE!" when someone tries to take something away that you want and your newest fascination are bellybuttons, yours, mine, everybody's.

Temper tantrums are common nowadays too as you try to assert and test your boundaries. It's hilarious sometimes when you lie down in the middle of the grocery store and throw one! Your imaginative play is also developing and you love "cooking" for Mommy!

You look so different from the crawling baby a few months ago. You are definitely a little person now, with attitude and everything!

Love, Mom

Izzy enjoys art, just like Mommy!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mommy's Birthday!

♪ ♫ Happy Birthday to Mommy, Happy Birthday to Mommy, Happy Birthday to Mommy...Happy Birthday to me! ♫ ♪

Dear Izzy,

It's Mommy's birthday today, and what a wonderful way to spend it then to spend it with my 2 most favorite people in the world, you and Daddy! What a year Mommy had...being a mom is really the best thing that has ever happened to me. Parenting is an amazing journey and there is nothing quite like it...especially being a Mommy to you, Izzy!

I love you and thanks for being such a good girl today!

Love, Mom

At Johnny Rockets for Mommy's birthday lunch

Monday, August 30, 2010

18 month Baby Wellness Checkup

Dear Izzy,

Today we went in to see Dr. Scott for your 18 month baby wellness check up. You weigh in at 20lbs 7oz (4%) and you measure 31.75 inches in height (50%). Your head measures 47cm (64%), no wonder why your regular 12-18 month t-shirts without snaps on the side are difficult to pull over your head!! It's kind of hard to dress you nowadays because you still fit in 6-12 month old bottoms (although for pants, they are always too short as you are average height) but you fit in 12-18 month old tops.

Dr. Scott is happy that you are now in the 4th percentile in weight. We all think it's because you have started loving milk. You drink about 18-24oz of milk a day!

Your imaginary play has developed. You still talk to your stuffed animals but now you also pretend cook and feed them. It's the cutest thing ever! Seems like you are quite the maternal little girl.

Mommy and Daddy cannot stop talking about how funny you are right now. It's great when it's at night and when we are both in bed, sometimes we just burst out laughing just talking about the things you did during the day. You definitely complete us.

Love, Mom

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

WHY?!?!?!? ...

...did you throw my phones into the pool??? You threw both Mommy's brand-spanking new iPhone and the home phone into the pool while we were having a pool party today. URGH....ISABELLE!!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy Year and a Half!! (18 months)

Happy Year and a Half, Isabelle!!!

You are growing up into a little girl's unbelievable how fast this past 18 months have just gone by in a blink of an eye.

Your terrible twos have definitely started early. You are now throwing crazy tantrums! You fling yourself onto the floor (not caring where we are) and start screaming and kicking your feet. You even did this at the 99 Ranch Market! People were staring at you but you didn't have no shame at all!

Lately in the past few months, the only time that you can sit down quietly is when you watch your favorite TV show, Ni Hao, Kai-Lan. You have picked up several words from that show in Chinese! Mommy's so proud of you. You now know how to say "ye ye" (grandpa), "ma yi" (ants) and "bao bao" (hug/carry). And the rest of the time, you are very are always busy! Mommy has given up cleaning up your toys during your nap because you really like everything better scattered on the floor in the living room, and you manage to undo all of my cleaning efforts in less than 2 mins after waking from your nap.

I see your other cuspids coming out...I think that's why you are not sleeping so well these nights. Due to this, your 2nd nap is back on some days. It's hard to schedule playdates when Mommy doesn't know if you will need a 2nd nap or not. Some days when you don't need a morning nap, you just roll around in your crib talking and singing to yourself. The other day, you managed to take off all your clothes, including your diaper. Daddy was shocked when he went to pick you up from your crib.

How I wish I could just bottle you up at this age. You are such a funny little person who cracks both Mommy and Daddy up and always leave us in stitches.

Love, Mom

Uh oh...BUSTED!! (Always getting into some mischief!)

We put you in time-out but it seems you are enjoying it.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

First Dance Class

Busy Izzy,

Mommy and you went to a demo dance class today. It was held at Third Street Dance studio and it was for ballet, modern and hip hop. You were a natural, even volunteering yourself to the teacher for a dance demo. You definitely love attention as after the demo, you just stayed in the front of the class prancing around. You are also a total teacher's pet - helping to pass out and clean up toys. Mommy saw that you enjoyed it so much so we have signed you up for the fall session. Can't wait to take you to your classes!

Now we have to go shopping for some leotards and dance definitely have the Ow genes in the dancing department. Godma will be so happy to teach you some moves when you are older!

Love, Mom

Demoing for the class

Enjoying the attention

Teacher's pet

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Swimming Classes!

Dear Izzy,

We started swimming classes today! I think you had fun since you are such a water baby. The class focused more on what you should instinctively do if/when you go underwater. You have to blow bubbles so you don't gulp down water. We have to practice this over and over again. It also taught you how to head towards the edge of the pool, reach out and hold on.

We have to definitely continue swimming lessons every summer if we are to live in California because 1 in every 5 households have a pool and want you to be water safe!

Love, Mom

Izzy learns to kick

She's so proud of herself!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

First Cuspid


Mommy sees signs of your first cuspid (also known as the canines)...the lower left one. Your gums look quite swollen, poor baby. You are not eating too well these few days. They must hurt! But the good news is, afterall your cuspids come out, you will be free of any teething discomfort for quite a while, until your 2nd molars come in, which will be after your 2nd birthday. Hang in there, big girl!

Love, Mom

Friday, August 13, 2010

17.5 months

Happy 17.5 months, busy Izzy!

Your new words this week are "shoes", "aiyah" and "oh no". You also love to hum. You hum songs and it is starting to resemble actual, real songs instead of just random notes!

Some days when you are nice and cooperative, it's very pleasant to change your diaper because you will actually go and get a clean diaper and give it to Mommy. Mommy will ask you to lay down and you'll actually listen to me *gasp* and lay down nicely and get your diaper changed. It's great! Your imagination is also developing. You are starting to talk to your stuffed animals more and more now...or maybe you have an imaginary friend? You are constantly babbling like you are speaking sentences.

WOW, you are really good at recognizing roads! When we pick Daddy up from work, even before we see him, Mommy turns into the street where the hotel is and you yell "DADA"! It's awesome that you have such a good sense of direction...I wonder who you got that from?!

Love, Mom

Back in LA, enjoying the is hard.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Back in LA

My little Jetsetter,

We are back in LA and oh how much did you miss all your toys? A LOT! The moment we got back to the house, you ran right to your ball pit, jumped in it and hugged all your stuffed animals! It was awesome. You played for 1/2 hour even though you were dead tired and went to bed around 10 pm. So back to our normal schedule of playdate, outings and maybe some preschool classes!

Love, Mom

Friday, August 6, 2010

Last First Molar is Out!

Hey Izzy!

Your last first molar is out...YAY! The molars didn't really bother you too much, thank God. So now altogether, you have 12 chompers. wonder you are enjoying your meats more.

Love, Mom

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Dear Izzy,

Oh my have learned a new word today and it is the word...WHY???? So the whole day today when you were home, or in the car, or while outside, you kept on saying "WHY? WHY? WHY?"

Goodbye peace and quiet!

Love, Mom

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy 17 month birthday!

Happy 17 month birthday, Izzy! Another month are growing up too fast.

You have taken a liking to money...YES, money! You like notes but right now, you like coins better...but I am sure you will like notes more than coins in the very near future! You like to slot coins into the piggy are so focused when you do it. Hopefully, you'll grow up to be a good saver!

You are running quite well now. Before it use to take you a second to get from one spot to another, now it takes you a nano-second. It's CRAAAZY! You are so fast, you are like Houdini, and disappear from Mommy's sight all the time. I can't even blink nowadays!

Not only are you Houdini, you are also the Monkey King. During meals, you don't even want to sit in the high chair are always climbing out of them! Mommy really doesn't know what to do with you at mealtime these days.

And when you want to, you follow directions very well. But you do have the "selective-hearing syndrome" where you only hear what you want and when you want. Oh, the joys of toddlerhood!

You have also developed the feeling of empathy. Empathy is the ability to not only detect what others feel but also to experience that emotion yourself. It's really comical when you watch Ni Hao, Kai-Lan and start crying when Tolee cries or when Kai-Lan gets hurt. The other day, you started crying when we were watching some nature documentary and 2 of the baboons were fighting! We really have to monitor what you watch so you won't get upset.

Oh gosh, what new things will you pick up next month?

Love, Mom
Izzy enjoying the water taxi ride @ Granville Island in Vancouver, BC

Monday, July 19, 2010

Milestone: Mommy & Daddy's First Trip Away

Dear Izzy,

Our first milestone! Mommy and Daddy went away on our first overnight trip without you. We went to Nanaimo, BC and stayed at a beautiful property called Wickaninnish Inn. The last time we were here was 10 years, how time flies!

Although Mommy and Daddy enjoyed and needed this trip, we also missed you soooo much! Ah Ma and Lau Yi took care of you while we were gone. Apparently you were very well-behaved! You ate and slept very well. Ah Ma says you behave better when we are not around...and why is that, Izzy?

Anyway, only after a night away from you, Mommy and Daddy were glad to be back together with you. One day, we will take you here...hopefully we don't have to wait another 10 years for that to happen!

Love, Mom

Beautiful property on the cliff overlooking the ocean

View from our room

Our room with floor-to-ceiling windows

Thursday, July 15, 2010

More Molars!

Dear Izzy,

More molars just popped up probably a couple days ago! But you've been so well-behaved that Mommy didn't notice anything. Both of your 1st molars on the bottom have erupted. It looks really painful because your gums are pretty swollen but you are such a trooper. So now leaves the top right 1st molar...I am sure it's not far behind!

Love, Mom

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

16.5 months

Mommy needs to find a way to get Father Time to slow down! You are 16.5 months today and are a ball of energy. Seriously, the more I look at you, the more Mommy wonders where the little tiny dependent baby went to? You are this feisty, demanding and totally independent little girl. You no longer want to be carried, mostly wanting to go wherever you want to go.

You are starting to string 2 words together. Your first word string is "no more". Whenever you finish eating something, you sign and you say "no more". You are also a stuffed animal lover. When we go shopping, you often beeline to the stuffed animal corner and hug all the animals. You will also usually pick a stuffed bear and walk around the whole store. When we have to go, Mommy tells you to put the "bear bear" back because he lives in the store. Sometimes you throw a fit because you want to take him home with you! You enjoy riding on Mommy's back, whenever I am laying on my belly, you come and sit on my back and press a "button" (which is anywhere on my back) to tell me to start to giddy-up.

Mommy and you flew into Vancouver by ourselves today. Mommy felt like supermom carrying you in the ergo, one hand pulling our 50 lb luggage, the other hand wheeling the carseat and lugging a heavy carry-on luggage on my shoulder. I think I was carrying at least 50 lbs on my body, half of my own weight! People were clearing a path for us when we were walking through. You were so good on the plane, although I think you might have peek-a-booed to death the 3 passengers sitting behind us. An old couple sat beside us and the grandma was so in love with you! She even helped carry you a couple of really charmed her. After playing, you fell asleep in Mommy's arms for about 1.5 hours, you didn't even wake up when the flight landed...we were the last ones off the plane because Mommy had to eventually wake you up! Thank you for being such a good girl!

Love, Mom

My happy little frequent flyer

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

Dear Izzy,

Happy 4th of July to my American girl! You were allowed to stay up a little later today because you had a couple of good naps. So you could also celebrate Independence Day and enjoy your first BBQ prepared by Daddy! Mommy loves it when we get to eat at the table as a family. You enjoyed munching on the corn and chicken wings. They are delicious, aren't they?

Love, Mom

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Definitely a Mac!

Dear Izzy,

You are a true Mac girl! Not only you have your own iBook, you have inherited Daddy's old iPhone. Maybe we need to get you an iPad too. You are going to grow up to be a Mac fan girl for sure!

Love, Mom

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy 16 month birthday!! NOOOO!

Busy Izzy,

Your new word this week is "No!" actually sounds more like "Naw". Why do you have a southern twang? Seems like everything Mommy asks you to eat or do is "Naw". I thought I wouldn't have to deal with this until later but I guess you are way ahead of the game!

Nowadays, when we tell you "night night" you pick up your Lulu and your soother and walk yourself to your bedroom. It's the cutest thing. I am glad that sleep is not something we have to fight have learned to enjoy it!

You have caught a case of "stranger danger". It takes you a good 10 mins to warm up to a new person or a person you don't see around much...especially if the person is in your "territory". The other day when Godpa came to drop off the car to us, you were screaming your lungs out because you usually see Daddy in the driver's seat and then when the building manager came into our apartment to replace a battery in the thermostat, you got all nervous and ran to Daddy. Even though you've seen these people around, when they come into your "territory", you get anxious. It seems like it happens with more male than female.

Your gross motor skills have also improved tremendously. You LOVE to climb and your hands and feet are very well coordinated! We really live at the park these days because we are there after almost every nap. Mommy's so glad we live close to such a great park where you can expand all your energy. Mommy really has no time to do any other things than to find stuff to entertain you.

Because you are so active and always on the go, Mommy has considered putting you into school/daycare during the day so I can get my work done. But since talking to our Mommy friends, Mommy's going to wait until we get back from Vancouver to make any decisions. It is so true that you have the next 18 years of your life to go to school and I shouldn't be in a rush to put you in school. I should just enjoy the time I have with you right now. You will always be this age once and you are WAY too much fun! I am actually enjoying this stay-at-home Mommy business! Who knew?! We are so lucky that Daddy's hard work lets us do just that. We love you and thank you, Daddy! xoxo

Love, Mom

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Dear Isabelle,

It's Daddy's 2nd Father's Day and this time you are actually able to celebrate with him! Last year you were just an itty-bitty thing. So what did you get for Daddy this year? Well, actually, "what did we get YOU?" is the question. We got you a mini apron that reads "Daddy's Little Sous Chef" and a t-shirt that says "When I grow up, I want to be a chef like my dad". You love to watch Daddy and get involved when he cooks so the apron will come in handy in the future and the shirt, it's just soooo cute, Mommy couldn't pass it up.

Happy 2nd Father's Day, Daddy!

Love, Mom